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·Fiji Islands scenery  ·Jingzhou Ancient City: preserved ancient city wall in southern China  ·Jinshi Beach in Dalian  ·The Ruins of Jiaohe Ancient City  ·Modern industrial exhibition: the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Openning  ·Peking Opera: the most representative drama of Chinese opera  ·Shenyang  ·MT. Emei: the most famous Buddhist Mountain in China  ·Everest Desert: Alxa Mongolian Badain Jaran Desert  ·Qingcheng Mountain  ·Clouds of Meng Mountains  ·Millennium puzzle: Ancient Egyptian Pyramids  ·Greece Scenery  ·Aden Chonggu Temple Scenic in Inagi  ·Gushan Yongquan Temple Of Fuzhou City  
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